Scalable and Sustainable Energy Management Solutions For You
Conservation • Cost Savings • Carbon Reduction • Customer Comfort

Building Automation Systems Powered By Niagara
In the face of ever-increasing energy costs, you’ll want to have a custom energy management solution in place that can monitor, measure, schedule, and control electrical building loads, and centrally control devices like HVAC units, and lighting systems.
Working in compliance with BACnet Certified Building Automation Systems (BAS) hardware and software products, we can audit and assess your current building energy use and custom design, install, and maintain a sustainable and scalable energy conservation solution to decrease energy costs while optimizing comfort for your staff and customers.
Our Enterprise E•C•O•SYSTEM, built on the industry-standard Niagara platform, is an open, non-proprietary system that can communicate via BACnet, ModBus, Lon Works, and custom drivers.
- You pay no licensing fees
- You get the most advanced hardware available
- You get software that allows enterprise control and reporting

Energy Audits and Assessments
Our energy audit and assessment process will determine how much energy your building is currently consuming and identify what measures you can take to make it more energy efficient. It includes:
- Analysis of all energy costs associated with electricity and gas.
- A complete overview of energy usage for mechanical systems, electrical systems, and lighting.
- A complete list of energy conservation opportunities including annual savings and payback calculations.
- Opportunities for financial assistance.